Be prepared for jellyfish season
Posts etiquetados "man o' war"

Winter gives you a chance to ditch the cold and visit warm places like South Florida, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, and the Gulf Coast. These tropical and subtropical spots offer more than just cozy temperatures. You'll find beautiful beaches lively...

Planning your Holiday Trip to the Florida Keys
From the pristine beaches and nature reserves to the vibrant culture of Key West, the Florida Keys offer a fantastic alternative to a traditional snowy Christmas. With opportunities to relax, explore, and celebrate, the Keys provide a one-of-a-kind holiday experience...

Unveiling the Portuguese Man o' War
As the warm Gulf Coast waters call out to beach lovers, there's a fascinating and slightly alarming creature lurking beneath the surface: the Portuguese Man o' War. These intriguing marine organisms can be found along the Alabama, Florida, and Texas...

The Origin of Beach Warning Flags
The concept of beach warning flags goes way back to the early 20th century when coastal communities started taking safety seriously to protect beach visitors.